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Fusion Science and Technology publishes special issue on JET

As part of the tokamak special issue series, Fusion Science and Technology (FS&T), edited by Nermin Uckan, has published a special issue (May 2008) devoted to Joint European Torus (JET). FS&T provides an overview of the physics research program carried out at JET since the beginning of its exploitation in 1983, covering the periods of JET operation under JET Joint Undertaking and JET-EFDA phases. There are two introductory chapters: one from Prof. D. Palumbo (Honorary General Director Research, EURATOM) describing the events leading to the decision to build JET and one from the former JET Joint Undertaking directors summarizing the main achievements of the JET Joint Undertaking. The remaining chapters are organized to review more recent EFDA-JET results, including high-performance (H-mode) operation, advanced tokamak scenarios, burning plasma physics, plasma boundary and scrape-off layer physics, disruption studies, performance limiting MHD stability, physics studies with the additional (radio-frequency and neutral beam) heating systems, core transport studies, and present/future planned experiments. Some of JET's state-of-the-art plasma diagnostics capabilities were covered in a recent FS&T special issue, "Plasma Diagnostics for Magnetic Fusion Research," FS&T, Vol. 53, No. 2, February 2008.

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