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Preliminary Design Contract signed

Signing the "Memorandum of Understanding": Norbert Holtkamp, Principal Deputy Director-General of ITER and Didier Gambier, Director of Fusion for Energy (F4E). (Click to view larger version...)
Signing the "Memorandum of Understanding": Norbert Holtkamp, Principal Deputy Director-General of ITER and Didier Gambier, Director of Fusion for Energy (F4E).
The ITER Organization and the European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy have agreed on a "voluntary financial contribution to the preliminary design activities for the ITER buildings." The agreement or "Memorandum of Understanding" between the IO and the EU Fusion for Energy (F4E) teams to facilitate the funding of the Pre Architecture and Engineering (PreAE) contract for designing the ITER buildings. The Mermorandum was signed on 18 April by Nobert Holtkamp, ITER Principal Deputy Director-General and Didier Gambier, Director of Fusion for Energy (F4E).

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