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JET resumes 2008 Experimental Program

In early April 2008, JET resumed its scientific program after the successful completion of the 2007 Shutdown and the subsequent Restart, both of which were executed in good agreement with the intended timeline. Part of the 2008 experimental program will be dedicated to commissioning and scientific exploitation of JET's new major systems such as the ITER-like Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating System, and the High Frequency Pellet Injector System. During the Restart phase, the commissioning of the Neutral Beam Injection System went extraordinarily well. On 25 March, 2008, JET reached a new record by injecting a total of 4.9GJ of Neutral Beam Energy into the plasma in 42 pulses (compared with a daily target of 24 pulses) within one day.

Also, on 6 May, JET's new Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating system (ITER-like ICRH system) coupled power into plasma for the first time. This represents an important milestone in one of JET's most extensive enhancement projects. Read more here ....

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