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Green, green grass of home

Our new Headquarters building may only be temporary, but our move to the permanent ITER buildings is still a couple of years away. Nonetheless, we may as well make the living conditions in and around our interim "home" as pleasant as possible.

Some landscaping would definitely contribute to that. This is the reason Eric Benoit of Logistics briefed a number of local landscaping companies for a proposal to embellish the areas around the Headquarters building, car parks, and entry gate with some of those plants and trees that are so characteristic of Provence. Following this call-for-tender procedure, Nature et Paysage from Pierrevert was selected.

As soon as the weather permits, this company will start bringing in plants, trees, grass and an automatic sprinkler system. In one month's time, our site will be home to ancient olive trees, pine trees and lavender that will contribute that little southern-French touch that is currently lacking.

Let's all try to keep these green areas fresh and clean—please throw away cigarette ends and other rubbish in the waste bins intended for that purpose.

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