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Introducing ... Jerry Sovka, acting Head of Civil Construction & Site Office

Jerry Sovka  (Click to view larger version...)
Jerry Sovka
Born in 1936 and raised in Southern Alberta, Canada, Jerry Sovka received his primary education in small country schools. He obtained a BSc in Chemical Engineering from University of Alberta; an MSc from University of Birmingham, England and a doctorate in nuclear engineering from MIT, Cambridge, USA. Throughout his professional career, he has been involved in research and development, design, construction, commissioning and project management of commercial nuclear facilities in Canada, South Korea, England, China and USA. His experience includes project manager of the Wolsong Tritium Removal Facility in Korea, project manager of the MDS Nordion Medical Isotopes Reactor in the USA, and Chief Engineer of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope in Hawaii.

Since 2001, he has been working on the ITER project buildings and site layout, in Naka, Japan and Garching, Germany. From January, 2006, Sovka has been seconded by the US ITER Project Office to the Cadarache Joint Work Site, currently as acting Head of Construction and Site Support Department. In that capacity, he is responsible for the site layout, and the design and construction of all buildings of the ITER project.

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